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New travellers wants their choice to make a difference

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Sustainable travel has come a long way in recent years and not only from an accommodation and business perspective but also from a traveller perspective. Tourists have become far pickier on the type of location they visit and will want to know how “green” the location is, what experiences are offered, included as well as paid for options. It is all important for the travel industry to sit up and take notice of these tourist “demands”. 

Who are the sustainable travellers?

Millennial travellers are gaining more spending power but are also more conscious about their impact on the world.

 It usually is these travellers who demanding sustainable travel options and are willing to pay more to ensure that they are staying at an eco-friendly resort.

Here are a few ways how to ensure that you are reducing the environmental impact.

* Paperless check-in and check-out.

* Refillable soap, shampoo and shower gel dispensers that reduce the amount of plastic and waste that goes through the accommodation on a daily basis.

* Donating leftover food to underprivileged communities in the area instead of throwing it away

* Offer locally relevant experiences to tourists practising sustainable practices

* Preserving natural sites, lifestyles and the uniqueness of the destination not only attracts tourists but shows local pride and responsibility.

How can tourists tell whether a resort practices sustainable travel?

What is on offer should clearly state that theirs’ is a unique experience and  (if possible) certified eco-friendly accommodation. The trend towards greener experiences, with a lower carbon footprint, over traditional accommodation among travellers, continues to grow

 A final word of advice for sustainable travel

By managing and communicating their sustainable travel efforts, accommodation establishments and activity operators are able to stay top of mind when holidaymakers are deciding on where to book their next holiday as well as when recommending sustainable tourism to others.



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